"Stress at work" - TwitterChat mit PPE.org
Mit dem Online-Magazin PPE.org sprach Veronika Jakl zu Thema "Stress bei der Arbeit - Motivation oder Bedrohung?" auf Twitter.
Wer Twitter nicht kennt: Das ist eine Social-Media-Plattform, wo man Nachrichten mit max. 140 Zeichen Länge veröffentlichen kann. Wir nutzten diese Form um ein knackiges Interview mit gleichzeitiger öffentlicher Diskussion abzuhalten.
Hier eine kleine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Fragen und Veronikas Antworten:
1. Is #workrelatedstress a necessary condition for productivity or the starting point for burnout?
To speak scientifically correct, #stress = neutral. Another word is: psychological working condition. #PPEtalk
Important: is the quality or quantity of working condition decent or already a threat? #workrelatedstress #PPEtalk
Everyone knows: deadlines are often necessary to get work done. But longterm time pressure makes people sick. #PPEtalk
2. How can a company assess the psychological stress at their workplaces?
Three systems: interview, survey or group discussion/ workshop #workrelatedstress #PPEtalk
Keep in mind: every workplace has special needs, so you can’t assess every workplace with the same system #NoGoldenWay #PPEtalk
Observational interviews: perfect for #SME / production / moveable workplaces #workrelatedstress #PPEtalk
Surveys: perfect for workplaces with 12+ employees, offices and mixed languages #workrelatedstress #PPEtalk
Group discussions: perfect if 5-12 people. Can discuss conditions + measures #workrelatedstress #PPEtalk
3. Can you give us an example of a measure that help against #workrelatedstress ?
Problem was: Leasing bank; Clients often angry about additional costs at end of car leasing; screamed at callcenter-agents #PPEtalk
Solution was: more transparent policy at beginning, more consequent supervisors without exceptions for screaming customers #PPEtalk
2nd example – problem was: No support from supervisors for new office employees in factory; just “learning by doing” #PPEtalk
Solution was: Welcome folder (org. chart + photos of staff), structured product presentation by salesmen, factory tour #PPEtalk
4. What’s the best way for superiors to support their staff and provide decent working conditions?
Give clear tasks, provide feedback, take time for open comm. about working conditions #leadershipstyle #staffknowsbest #PPEtalk
Don’t provide conditions you would hate. And be open to see if someone is suffering or stressed out. #PPEtalk
People are basically open to talk about bad working conditions. Be sure you support feedback from staff & take it seriously. #PPEtalk
5. How can I help as a co-worker when I see that someone is stressed for weeks?
Provide time to talk. Check if reason is private or work-related? Is an end foreseeable? What is needed to change situation? #PPEtalk
It’s not your responsibility to reshift & take tasks but let your supervisor know that there is need to reorganise #PPEtalk
Check if there are other people who can help: occupant. doctors, staff comitee, employee assistance program (EAP), coach, … #PPEtalk
6. Changes such as restructuring, relocation or new tasks are daily business in many companies. Does this have to be stressful & exhausting?
Often the case – studies say 40-60% of all changes in companies don’t achieve the desired result #PPEtalk
Good #changemenagement means: planning with participation of staff + supervisors, transparency, get constantly feedback #PPEtalk
Intransparency + no info = insecurity for staff. Tell them constantly what’s next and what’s the goal #changemanagement #PPEtalk

Veronika Jakl
Arbeitspsychologin, Autorin ("Aktiv führen") und Gastgeberin bei den "Pionieren der Prävention".
Begleitet seit 12 Jahren Organisationen dabei motivierende Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen und psychische Belastungen zu reduzieren.
Unterstützt PräventionsexpertInnen, die wirklich etwas bewegen wollen.
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